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I thought I was done grieving!

I had gotten to a good place with grieving the missed opportunity of motherhood by giving birth. Or so I thought. I use to tell myself I had until 42 to find a life partner and have a child. That idea had morphed over the years. I had gone from wanting 3 kids

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Peer support for women who are childless not by choice

I am starting a peer support group for women who are childless by circumstance and not by choice. My idea for this group is that it will be a safe space for women who look like me. If there is a need for it, there will be a sub-group for women who are also single and childless.

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I thought I was done grieving!

I had gotten to a good place with grieving the missed opportunity of motherhood by giving birth. Or so I thought. I use to tell myself I had until 42 to find a life partner and have a child. That idea had morphed over the years. I had gone from wanting 3 kids

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